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Hydrogen North America 2022. October 12 - 13 Houston.

October 12 - 13, 2022 will be held in Houston, the hub for scaling up hydrogen in the United States with 350 hydrogen decision makers, among the leading developers and operators of hydrogen projects, who are looking for partners for the development of the hydrogen economy.


According to Thomson Reuters from Reuters Event.

"The attendee list includes executives from Dominion Energy, SoCalGas, Air Products, Linde, Fortescure Future Industries, Mitsubishi Power, Airbus, Plug Power, Air Liquide, Nikola Motor, United States Department of Energy, Goldman Sachs, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Boeing, EDF, Kiewit, NextEra Energy, Enbridge and so many more that are seeking new partners and support for major projects and hydrogen initiatives.

The North America green hydrogen boom is on track to surpass $89.18 billion by 2030, with Houston being a major hub receiving funding from the US Department of Energy's $8 billion for clean hydrogen hubs across the United States".

Five simple reasons why you can't miss Hydrogen North America 2022:

  • You achieve all your hydrogen goals in just 2-days: Find partners, meet clients, gather info, tackle industry challenges

  • You'll have access to all active and new market players in one place, at one time, to create partnerships for success

  • You'll meet serious industry collaborators to secure market share as a developer, supplier or advisor

  • You'll receive all you need to know about current and future hydrogen projects and lucrative supply chain opportunities

  • You'll learn how US hydrogen regulatory system is evolving and the evolution of policy in hydrogen states

The speakers will be:

  • Paul Browning, CEO & President, Fortescue Future Industries

  • Pablo Koziner, President, Nikola Motor

  • Katie Ellet, President – Hydrogen Energy and Mobility, Air Liquide

  • Bill Newsom, CEO & President, Mitsubishi Power

  • Amanda Simpson, Vice President – Research and Technology, Airbus

  • Brian Yutko, Chief Engineer of Sustainability and Future Mobility and Vice President, Boeing

  • Andy Marsh, President and CEO, Plug Power

Event sponsors and exhibitors:

Mitsubishi Power, Plug Power, Babcock & Wilcox, Vinson & Elkins, Afry, Air Products, National Grid, Honeywell UOP, Compressed Gas Association, Honeywell UOP, PDC Machine, Alkegen.

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