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- Investor form | komptrade
Investor Registration Form Sustainable investment advice Investing in companies that contribute to a better world Personalised advice on sustainable investments You decide whether to buy or sell Active investment advice Invest in a balanced and active way in the (medium) long term You are in contact with your advisor at least once a month Access to a complete universe of different asset classes worldwide Investment Advice ESG Comfort You make efficient long-term investments You are in contact with your investment advisor several times a year You invest mainly in investment funds Options Trading ETF Options Trading for Private Investors Experience a new way to invest Easily find and invest in thousands of stocks and ETFs. Contact us to set-up your account in 48 hours. Your deposit is protected up to €100,000 under European conditions. Register To register, please take the time to fill out the information below. First name Last name E-mail Code Phone Date of Birth Are you a U.S. citizen, U.S. resident alien, or U.S. tax resident? * Yes No I agree with the terms and conditions Next
- Office | komptrade
KOMPTRADE Algunos consejos de expertos Más que una empresa comercial, un vector de desarrollo a la vanguardia de la innovación. KOMPTRADE is a United Kingdom based company with operational offices in Luxembourg. It is a global network which trades more than twenty commodities. New technologies applied to renewable energies, the IT sector, Biotechnology and above all NewSpace are bringing new commodities with high added value to the market. KOMPTRADE by diversifying its team has thus acquired the skills and the network to target these commodities and the companies that have developed these new technologies. OUR OFFICE IN LONDON Bloomsbury Square, London Our offices are located in the heart of the City of London, easily accessible and close to business centers. We are pleased to welcome you by appointment to provide personalized service and meet your professional needs. OUR OFFICE IN LUXEMBOURG Route d' Arlon Strassen, Luxembourg. Our offices are located on the 1st floor of a renowned business center. This gives us direct access to prestigious investment funds with which we share premises. This proximity has allowed us over the years to establish a solid relational network and, gain recognition from the main players operating in international trade. OUR MEETING ROOM Strassen, Luxembourg Welcome to our meeting room, also known as the "idea box." It is ready to welcome you and help you bring all your projects to life. Together, we will turn your ideas into reality in an inspiring and collaborative space. Feel free to come and share your visions with us!
- Copie de Komptrade Shop | komptrade
Komptrade Shop: Lowest Price Photovoltaic Equipment -35% Direct from Factory
- Business News | Komptrade
Investment opportunity: water and water-related technologies. 9 oct 2023 Kazakhstan: Petroleum products will not be exported for four months. 19 feb 2023 Discovery of a gigantic Lithium deposit in India 19 feb 2023 Investment opportunity: water and water-related technologies. 9 oct 2023 Kazakhstan: Petroleum products will not be exported for four months. 19 feb 2023 Discovery of a gigantic Lithium deposit in India 19 feb 2023 WELCOME ON KOMPTRADENEWS Noticias Investment opportunity: water and water-related technologies. Water and related technologies now represent $1.4 trillion in annual revenues, with strong growth expected in the coming years. Kazakhstan: Petroleum products will not be exported for four months. Oil products will not be exported for four months from Kazakhstan. The consequences on the world market. Discovery of a gigantic Lithium deposit in India India is becoming a major global player in lithium production, the consequences for its economy and investment opportunities. Finanzas Investment opportunity: water and water-related technologies. Water and related technologies now represent $1.4 trillion in annual revenues, with strong growth expected in the coming years. Kazakhstan: Petroleum products will not be exported for four months. Oil products will not be exported for four months from Kazakhstan. The consequences on the world market. Discovery of a gigantic Lithium deposit in India India is becoming a major global player in lithium production, the consequences for its economy and investment opportunities. Mercado Investment opportunity: water and water-related technologies. Water and related technologies now represent $1.4 trillion in annual revenues, with strong growth expected in the coming years. Kazakhstan: Petroleum products will not be exported for four months. Oil products will not be exported for four months from Kazakhstan. The consequences on the world market. Discovery of a gigantic Lithium deposit in India India is becoming a major global player in lithium production, the consequences for its economy and investment opportunities.
- Komptrade Shop | komptrade
Komptrade Shop: Lowest Price Photovoltaic Panel -20% -35% Full kit with battery -30% Battery Lithium -20% Inverter -15% Controller -15% Our partner Brands COMPLETE KIT READY FOR INSTALLATION 1.04€ / W Including Black Panels LIPo4 Battery Inverter Converter Connectors MC4 Distribution Boxes Cable Connector Mounting structure Accessories -5% Car Charger -25% Electric Bicycle -30% Electric scooter -28% Electric Generator -15% Our Achievements
- Oil | komptrade
Petróleo alain kwenkeu nouho 31 ene 2023 2 Min. de lectura Weekly Oil Dashboard: January 30, 2023. What happened in the oil market this week from 23/01. Read our report. alain kwenkeu nouho 6 oct 2022 4 Min. de lectura Hydrogen in heavy-duty vehicles. Comparative study report. Hydrogen: Evaluation of its use as an energy source in heavy-duty vehicle engines. alain kwenkeu nouho 5 oct 2022 1 Min. de lectura Weekly Oil Dashboard October 03, 2022 Brent down to 87.2 US$/b this week October 03, 2022. Full report available. Our forecasts on the prices. Haut de page Ancre 1 Ancre 1 Investment opportunity: water and water-related technologies. Water and related technologies now represent $1.4 trillion in annual revenues, with strong growth expected in the coming years. Kazakhstan: Petroleum products will not be exported for four months. Oil products will not be exported for four months from Kazakhstan. The consequences on the world market. Discovery of a gigantic Lithium deposit in India India is becoming a major global player in lithium production, the consequences for its economy and investment opportunities.
- Plans & Pricing | komptrade
Become a KOMPTRADE subscriber The right information at the right time is the key to success. Digital access € 2,50 2,50€ Cada mes stay informed with all the business news and more... Selected Full access to our articles. Forum Access Receive our weekly newsletter. Get access to Platts (S&P Global) webinars. Full access to our forecasts. Cryptocurrencies Premium 1 € 89 89€ Confirmed Buyer & Seller Válido por un mes Selected Access to the Forum for confirmed Buyers and Sellers. Receive investment recommendations Consultancy (Logistic, Terminals)
- Investment offers | komptrade
Register now Investment offers Stock Portfolio The companies we include in our portfolio are selected after a thorough audit. This is made possible through our partnership with the auditing firm Van Cauter & Co, established in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for 25 years, at the heart of European finance. Their expertise allows us to reliably assess the companies in which we offer investments. We target companies operating in the sectors of new technologies, carbon capture and storage (CCS), carbon capture and utilization (CCU), and finance. Our portfolio companies are spread over the following sectors: Biotechnology Volume of shares available: US$ 294,318,045.4 Earnings per share Average. Learn More Our target are Startups with high potential. Ex: We collaborated with a startup that developed active eye implants against cataracts. developing the biotechnological materials of the future. Interested, let us know here . Pharmaceutical Volume of shares available: US$ 410,227,416.6 Earnings per share Average. Learn more. Our target are pharmaceutical companies with active ingredients in phase III clinical studies. Ex: we collaborate with a pharmaceutical laboratory that has developed an active antiviral against "Corona" type viruses. Interested, let us know here. Electronic Volume of shares available: Undetermined Earnings per share Average. Learn more. Of course, we invest in the classics, namely the manufacturers of electronic chips, with, however, a targeting of those who develop chips of the order of a nanometer. Interested, let us know here. Energy Volume of shares available: Undetermined Earnings per share Average. Learn more. We target companies operating the energy transition, especially on the American market. and companies specializing in Carbon capture with permanent storage (CCS), Carbon capture with utilization (CCU) technologies. Interested, let us know here.
- Market | komptrade
Mercado Bolsas de valores de Word 2 Min. de lectura Investment opportunity: water and water-related technologies. Water and related technologies now represent $1.4 trillion in annual revenues, with strong growth expected in the coming years. 2 Min. de lectura Kazakhstan: Petroleum products will not be exported for four months. Oil products will not be exported for four months from Kazakhstan. The consequences on the world market. 3 Min. de lectura Discovery of a gigantic Lithium deposit in India India is becoming a major global player in lithium production, the consequences for its economy and investment opportunities. Mercado Tablero
- Page d'avis | komptrade
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- NewSpace | komptrade
Nuevo espacio Este video que muestra el regreso de los impulsores del cohete "Falcon Heavy" - SpaceX, representa la renovación de la industria espacial - NewSpace, y la preocupación por la rentabilidad específica del sector privado. Haut de page Newspace ancre 1 Este video que muestra el regreso de los impulsores del cohete "Falcon Heavy" - SpaceX, representa la renovación de la industria espacial - NewSpace, y la preocupación por la rentabilidad específica del sector privado. Newspace ancre 1 Introducción rápida a NewSpace NewSpace representa a todas las empresas así como a las tecnologías involucradas en la fabricación de todo o parte de un elemento para uso espacial, como un satélite artificial, lanzador, etc. Es una industria conformada por empresas del sector privado que hasta el siglo pasado respondían a las órdenes de las agencias gubernamentales, que hasta entonces eran las únicas en desarrollar programas espaciales. Nacimiento de NewSpace Durante mucho tiempo, las actividades espaciales estuvieron reservadas exclusivamente para gobiernos e incluso ejércitos, era la época de la Guerra Fría. Para Estados Unidos, campeón del liberalismo económico, el monopolio estatal no estaba de acuerdo con su mentalidad. y el 30 de octubre de 1984 se aprobó la "Ley de lanzamiento espacial comercial" , una ley que autoriza a las empresas privadas estadounidenses a fabricar su propio lanzador y tener el suyo propio. propio sitio de lanzamiento. Esta ley es probablemente la piedra fundamental de NewSpace. En 1984, cuando se promulgó la ley, no tuvo de inmediato la acogida esperada por el sector privado, en la década de 1990, con el fin del bloque soviético, había un enorme arsenal y estas tecnologías espaciales estuvieron disponibles en el momento de la compra, esto es cómo aparecieron en el mercado las primeras empresas espaciales privadas como "Sea Launch" y "International Launch service". Por lo tanto, hemos sido testigos de una "Privatización del espacio" y la llegada a esta economía de nuevos jugadores como Gafa (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon) y otros jugadores del Silicon Valley como Elon Musk y SpaceX. Jugadores de la vieja economía como Boeing, Northrop Grumman ... 2 Min. de lectura Investment opportunity: water and water-related technologies. Water and related technologies now represent $1.4 trillion in annual revenues, with strong growth expected in the coming years. 2 Min. de lectura Kazakhstan: Petroleum products will not be exported for four months. Oil products will not be exported for four months from Kazakhstan. The consequences on the world market. 3 Min. de lectura Discovery of a gigantic Lithium deposit in India India is becoming a major global player in lithium production, the consequences for its economy and investment opportunities.
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